Full Moon and the power of Let Go


Hello beautiful souls

It's a Full Moon, time to let go of all that no longer serve you.

I gave myself permission long time ago to be me. But how can I be myself if I don't really know who AM I?

I started with understanding who I AM NOT.

Use the energy of the Full Moon to de-clutter, let go of any aspects of you that are NOT YOU, but you have accepted as YOU along the way.

We very well know who we are not, sometimes though we are afraid to admit to ourselves.

I am saying now-it's enough. It is time to let go of the imaginary visions that you have for yourself that no longer feel align to you.

I give you a permission to let go.

Allow yourself to be free.

Give yourself permission to be free.

It is safe to let go.

It is safe to be free.


Be still.



With the exhale let go of the aspects that are not you.

It's safe to be YOU.

Now and forever.


The New Earth Shaman


The longing of the Soul


The power of self realization