The power of self realization

Hello beautiful souls,


We often times hurry to know the future, we want to know what is still blocking us to know it all. We ask same question over and over again. We are given the answer but we are not ready to hear it.

What we don’t realize is that we are not ready to know it all. There is a preparation process that needs to happen. Even if I tell you the future, if I tell you all, if you are not ready to accept it you will not act upon it.

This is exactly what makes me different from other psychics. I am not a fortune teller and I will not tell you exactly what will happen in your future. I CAN share with you all of the amazing opportunities that I see for you. I CAN guide you and ALIGN you with these amazing opportunities. Your job is to continue your inner exploration so you can get to the self realization which one is the right path for you.

I can guide you in a direction where you can look, but your inner work still needs to be done.

I can tell you million times what is out there for you, but until you get to your A-ha moment, nothing will change.

Self realizations are way more powerful and you will most likely act upon it.

I am facilitating the safe space for you to continue to explore your true nature. The right answers for you will come from your heart, not from my mouth.

P.S. If you are ready to continue your inner self exploration you might be interested in my Journey to Your Soul Psychic development course.



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In search of Self...