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Meet your Spirit Guides

Meet Your Spirit Guides
One time

Embark on a life changing adventure with your mystical companions, the spirit guides! Dive into their world as we unravel their secrets, understand their roles, and learn how to connect with your spirit team. Spirit guides come in all shapes - angels, ancestors, even animal spirits - but their mission is always the same: to guide us through life's ups and downs.

✓ Guided journey to meet your spirit guides
✓ Transformative experience connecting with your spirit team
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Meet Your Spirit Guides

Connecting with your spirit guides can be profound and transformative. Establishing a connection with your spirit guides can provide you with guidance, clarity, and support in navigating life's challenges. These ethereal beings offer wisdom and insights that can help you make more informed decisions, enhance your intuition, and deepen your understanding of your life's purpose.

Knowing that you have a spiritual support system can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation, providing comfort during difficult times. They can also assist in your personal and spiritual growth by illuminating areas of your life that need healing and helping you release old patterns that no longer serve you.

Spirit guides can inspire creativity and innovation by offering new perspectives and ideas. Whether you're an artist, writer, or entrepreneur, tapping into this boundless source of inspiration can lead to breakthroughs and extraordinary achievements.

In essence, building a relationship with your spirit guides can enrich your life in countless ways, offering a sense of connection to something greater than yourself and empowering you to live with greater awareness, purpose, and fulfillment.

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Meet your Spirit Guides

Meet Your Spirit Guides
One time

Embark on a life changing adventure with your mystical companions, the spirit guides! Dive into their world as we unravel their secrets, understand their roles, and learn how to connect with your spirit team. Spirit guides come in all shapes - angels, ancestors, even animal spirits - but their mission is always the same: to guide us through life's ups and downs.

✓ Guided journey to meet your spirit guides
✓ Transformative experience connecting with your spirit team
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Hi, my name is Elitsa, I am a Mystic, a Spiritual Mentor.

I guide people to move from chaos to innocence, I help them to explore their innovative abilities, so they can create the life and business that they desire. I work with people who want to dive deep into their intuition, and I help them to connect with their intuition and their Spirit Team.

My spiritual journey started 20 years ago and what triggered it was the birth of my first child.

I was having this sweet little baby and was loving him so much, and I had a loving husband, but yet again I was still filled up with anger, anxiety, I was struggling to find my way through life.

I went through many different spiritual practices that had started slowly opening up my awareness that there is much more beyond the physical world. I was so desperate to understand myself and why I had this anger in me that I was jumping from one thing to another with no serious progress.

I came across a teaching about Spirit Guides and how they are guiding us through life- all of a sudden everything made sense.

No, I still didn’t get all answers, and still to this day I don’t know it all, but I finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I knew what I had to do-I had to meet my Spirit guides and know them well.

With their guidance and the help from my mentor back then I “remembered” my gifts and I wanted to learn more and more.

Since then I am in constant learning and expanding process and I love it. No, it’s not all glamorous and pretty, but I know in my heart that even the darkest moments that I am going through are teaching me valuable lessons.


  • Donna

    I participated in Elitsa's 5 day workshop to meet my guides...and I can say it was an amazing experience. Elitsa is so down to earth, and she gave so much of her time and energy to the live sessions. There was lots of information and learning in each session, and having my spirit guides channeled for me was amazing. She is truly both a gifted psychic and an authentic and caring person. I'm so glad to be part of her tribe! Thank you Elitsa - blessings, love and light!

  • Kim

    I attended Elitsa’s Meet Your Spirit Guides - 5 days workshop and I was so thankful that I did!! Each day had so much great content. I loved that she didn't just tell you the answers... she really wanted you to experience it for yourself and then would confirm it for you. I learned so much within these five days. My relationship with my Spirit guides has grown tremendously in just a short amount of time and for that I am beyond grateful!!

  • Tobi

    I attended Elitsa's meet your Spirit Guides 5 day workshop! OMG!! this was Mind-blowing the experience and the knowledge I received!! The Journey was Amazing!! I met new guides I had no idea existed! and I talk to my guides daily!! Elitsa even gave me the name of my guide who I see and had little contact with, he is my guide who Elitsa connected with!! Elitsa is so Talented!! if you need an amazing coach look no further Elitsa is it!! I am so looking forward to working with Elitsa in the future!! Thank you so much for everything!! I loved the five amazing days!! you are such a Priceless Treasure!!

  • Stef

    I've just got done taking Elitsa's #MeetYourSpiritGuides Workshop and it was AMAZING!!! <3 I've been working on developing my psychic abilities for the last year, but still felt pulled to participate in her workshop and I'm so glad I did. I received confirmations and explanations on things I still wasn't entirely clear on and she was able to confirm to me the name of the guide I connected with during her journey. The level of support that Elitsa gives is PHENOMENAL! You totally need to work with her if you feel called to do so :)

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Meet Your Spirit Guides

Meet Your Spirit Guides
One time

Embark on a life changing adventure with your mystical companions, the spirit guides! Dive into their world as we unravel their secrets, understand their roles, and learn how to connect with your spirit team. Spirit guides come in all shapes - angels, ancestors, even animal spirits - but their mission is always the same: to guide us through life's ups and downs.

✓ Guided journey to meet your spirit guides
✓ Transformative experience connecting with your spirit team
✓ Unlimited lifetime access