The longing of the Soul

Hello beautiful souls,

Soul expansion has been a topic that I have been meditating a lot on. See the one and only thing we are here on Earth is to expand our Soul, to reach our fullest potential. Often times people would ask me what is their life purpose, what is one thing they need to focus on. The answer is only one and it is applicable for all.

Your path is to work on and potentially reach your fullest potential.

See when the flower blooms it goes all the way and reaches its fullest potential. It doesn’t stop at the middle. It finds its way and do exactly what it’s here for.

Why we, as humans, often times either stop in the middle or which is even worse, never begin the journey?

The longing of the Soul is simple and yet require a lot of personal will and determination to follow through. Once you turn it into your main priority in life and potentially in your business the expansion will come more easily and you will be in a flow.

How do we allow the Soul to expand you may ask?

You allow your Soul to expand by following the creative urges of your Spirit.

Most of the times though this is easier said than done.

In order to allow yourself to follow these inspirations you are asked to be disciplined, motivated, ready to take action.

What happen often times is that you have million excuses why you shouldn’t follow the creative urges of your Spirit:

-I don’t know enough

-Everybody is already ahead of me

-I don’t have time

-I don’t know how

-People will judge me

-I don’t look good on camera


Sounds familiar?

Yes, we all have different excuses why NOT to follow the urges.

Many stop just right here. Never proceed past the excuses.

Many begin the journey, but when they come across a stumbling block, they quit.

Very little succeed to reach their fullest potential.

Which category you are in?

I suggest to spend sometime meditate, and/or journal on this.

And also know that

I have something that will help you to move past your obstacles and discover your true self.

My self-study course Journey to Your Soul is designed to open up your senses and so you can see yourself the way The Spirit/The Universe sees you. Start when you want and go at your own pace. Practise over and over and over again. Journey to Your Soul, self study course will guide you through the exact steps I went through as I was beginning my journey. I wanted to discover my true essence and I discovered so much more Here is a link to enroll Journey to Your Soul

ALSO don’t forget that I have FREE resource for your in my Sacred Library. It’s absolutely FREE to loin us there.

Love and light to you!


The New Earth Shaman


By the way have you heard that my New Earth School of Mystical Arts has a new home and its opening doors for enrolment? I am so excited, it took me many months of hard work and dedication and finally the online school is live. It’s totally free to enroll and browse through the certification courses that we offer. 
You also get FREE access to my Sacred Library, where you can find tons of free content for self mastery, meditation, energy healings, spiritual teaching and many more.

Enroll in New Earth School of Mystical Arts 


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Full Moon and the power of Let Go