In search of Self...

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Who am I? What is my path? What are my skills? Why I am so afraid to show my real authentic self? What am I afraid?

It is difficult to discover your own voice through all the noise and distractions around.

Believe it or not, when a person is alone, one can uncover a lot of their inner power , strength and gifts.

I have been asked so many time in my practice with my student- how one person ca figure out their life purpose. The question is very simple, but not easy.

One person needs to become a master of themselves. Master of their own thoughts, emotions, their own physiology. It is long process, it takes time for one person to understand themselves. Many people loose the battle already there and they don’t have the motivation to continue their journey. You need to have the gut to continue.

It is challenging in times you want to quit, in times you feel ecstatic and so happy that you can not even express it. Emotions are all over the place. That is the journey-one day you cry because you are under the ground working on a shadow aspect and then the next day you are so ecstatic about life!

Can you handle these emotions, you that reading this?

Have you had the chance to master yourself?

Have you given yourself a chance to know who you are?

Have you allow yourself to invest in yourself. Invest time. No money, just time.

Did you give yourself a chance to uncover the essence that keeps you alive?

Many people they just go through life , following someones else’s understanding of life, they don’t have a chance to live and experience their own life.

Are you one of them?


The New Earth Shaman


The power of self realization


The Ancient Wisdom Crystal