Energy Reading for the week of April 27-May 3


Intuitively pulled card from the Mystic Shaman Oracle Deck for the week of April 27th to May 3rd.

My Spirit Guides have been guiding me to connect with my roots for few weeks now. Connect with my ancestors is important in this time so we can understand the poise hold in our hands.

This week focus on your root chakra. Meditate on it. Bring some more red colour in it. You can use carnelian crystal, red jasper crystal, obsidian crystal for protection.

The Ancient Ones are the Shamans of old who defeated death and escaped from the tyranny of time. The Ancient Ones once walked the earth like us, in flesh and bone. Now they reside in infinity and can counsel us after we say yes to our calling. They are available to help us attain our full realization.

The Ancient Ones are inviting you to reach to the future to help birth a new destiny for the Earth. If you accept the invitation, great power and blessings will come your way and allow you to craft a new destiny for yourself. Do not hesitate to bite off more than you can chew, because you have unlimited spiritual resources available right now.

The Ancient Ones beseech you to examine your attitude and actions, and be sure that they are of the highest integrity. Not forgiving an ancestor (or yourself) is keeping you from the freedom you seek. Remember this is no longer your karma. You can break the chains that once bound you to the family drama and be free of your generational curse. Forgive the once you need to release. Honour your biological ancestors by lighting a candle to them.

Love and light to you💫
The New Earth Shaman


Universal Energy for the month of May 2020 and quick Heart Chakra meditation


New Moon April 22 2020