New Moon April 22 2020



It is New Moon and the energy is very powerful and intense.

The New Moon represents the start of a new cycle.

In the next 28 days try not to procrastinate or become distracted. If you ignore your responsibilities during this moon phase they come back to bite you later. Avoid taking risks but also be flexible enough to adapt to changing conditions.

I am spending my evening meditating, journaling, healing and really getting rid of all the leftover low vibe energies that are no longer serving me.

Once I am done with the healing, I will set up my new intentions for the upcoming month!

If you want to join me:

All you need to do is to write in the comments the intentions that you would like to manifest in your life and to finish your sentence with Let it be done!

For example:

"My intentions are .......Let it be done!"

I will print your comments and will keep them in my sacred space, surrounded by my manifesting crystals, I will perform the ritual this evening.

New moon is also a good time to clear your sacred space and recharge your crystals.

Happy manifesting!!


The New Earth Shaman


Energy Reading for the week of April 27-May 3


Energy Reading for the week of April 20-April 26