Universal Energy for the month of May 2020 and quick Heart Chakra meditation

Hello beautiful souls,

The energy of May is moving rapidly with fast pace. It is not that intense like the energy for the mont of April, but it will continue to bring situations that will make us shift gears, change directions, create new normal.

Even though the energy feels lighter- it is an energy that you can not negotiate with. Not that you can ever negotiate with an energy, but you know what I mean, right?!? :)

The energy won’t tolerate procrastination. If you feel drawn to do something- work on your business, you have an idea to write a post, do a webinar, teaching, or whatever you feel inspired, meditate, exercise, whatever you need to- do it in that very moment. The result will be very powerful!

The energy will be strong and serious, even though it feels lighter and it will continuing to bring transformation for the humanity, Earth, businesses.

The energy will bring golden opportunities in these still dark and heavy times. Those who jump on these golden opportunities will be able to make a deeper and bigger impact.

Continue to work on your Heart Chakra. Ask yourself questions like- Who am I?; What is my role in this world?; What is my craft?; What are my desires?. These questions will still be valid and it is important to continue to explore the answers.

I am not an astrologer, but from what I am seeing is that the planet are aligning for the event. It feels to me as if they are aligning so to protect the Earth.

Towards the end of May you will be having clear direction and understanding of what your new “normal” would look like. You will be able to uncover your true essence. Those who follow the energy and do the work, they will be rewarded.

May is going to be action oriented month.. Tune into your heart, feel what is true to you and act led by your inner wisdom, even though your mind will be telling you that there is no logic.

Now is the time for you to choose and create your new normal. If you don’t work on that you will be forced to follow whatever someone else is desiring and you will give your power away to someone else.

At the end of the video you can enjoy quick Heart Chakra meditation that you can do whenever you are in need to make quick decision.


The Ancient Wisdom Crystal


Energy Reading for the week of April 27-May 3