Energy Reading for the week of April 20-April 26

Intuitively pulled card from the Mystic Shaman Oracle Deck for the week of April 20-April 26.


Intuitively pulled card from the Mystic Shaman Oracle Deck for the week of April 20-April 26.

This card come exactly in the right time to remind us for the path that we have chosen before coming into this life.

The journey is not always easy. For all the light-workers out there - the message is loud and clear- You have been preparing your whole life for this moment. Now it is the time to step in a show up as leaders and conciseness shifter.

The Journey is an invitation to step outside the boundaries of your life as you know it. The journey is not a holiday; it is a call to be hermit-like and go on a pilgrimage into the unknown. There are no maps to the territory you will be exploring, no marked paths or road signs.

The time to embark on the great journey is here. Do not linger in the port when distant shores are calling. Fearlessly draw your own navigational charts as you discover the route. When the time is right, as it is now, you will be led true, even when you are not sure of where you are going. It is the departure that is most important. If you miss the boat, a great opportunity will be lost, and another ship may not arrive for a very long time.

Remember that the point of the journey is not the destination; it’s who you will become as you are transformed along the way.

Love and light to you💫


The New Earth Shaman


New Moon April 22 2020


30 Minutes Everyday Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class