Shamanic Healing Session 60 min - $125

Shamanic Healing Session 60 min - $125

This session may include:

  • shamanic past life journey,

  • psychic reading,

  • soul retrieval journey,

  • journey to heal your inner child,

  • journey to meet your higher self,

  • journey to meet your spirit guides and/or power animals,

  • initiation in shamanic energy

  • mindset coaching

  • psychic business coaching

This call is for you IF:

  • You want to heal your heart and soul

  • You want to clear your energy field and balance your chakras

  • Healing is done on emotional, energetic and physical levels

I also offer you 24 hours support after our session for any questions that may come up after in regards of the messages you have already received.

*All of my sessions are done over ZOOM, I record them and you will receive an audio file from our session and it is your to keep.

*You will receive link to schedule your session once I receive your full payment.


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